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Incredible things come to life when a legacy of over 50 years stays true to its values and vision. A preferred jeweller of families across India and USA. Crafting timeless jewellery for every occasion and for every generation.
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What makes us special

With honesty, integrity and immense gratitude we look back to the incredible journey we have had and look ahead to the precious future we are carving each day.So what makes us special?

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House of PMJ

Our flagship store, spread over 22,000 sq ft is an experience center. From the birth of a design idea to watching the artisans bring each intricate detail to life, you will experience it all.

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Bridal Collection

Magnificent handcrafted creations in gold with the rarest of precious gems, and the purest of diamonds celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime occasion.

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Luxury Collection

The bespoke luxury line handcrafted with the rare gemstones and diamonds is truly a sight to behold and to be cherished for eternity.

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Our Craftmanship

Behind every PMJ creation, is a team of highly skilled artisans who dedicate months together to make sure every piece is truly unmatched.
